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Justice through emphasising Community values

         To inculcate family oriented values that will result in ethical practices for improved overall quality of life and self -fulfilment.


Oneness, respect, caring, sharing, empathy, Inclusivity, gender sensitivity are some of the values that need to become ingrained among young and old alike.


By emphasizing the importance of ethics in maintaining happy family and community relationships, and building on village and community traditions.


All this results in the building of a strong, responsible family and community. Strong families lead to strong communities, and strong communities lead to strong villages with a voice.

Learning is Fun
3. Sharing is caring
Storing for the Future
6. Passing on the baton
14. Childcare is my duty
Non Farming livleihood
1. The path ahead is clear
Family and fieldwork
Eat Together
1.Coping during Covid
7. Building a strong foundation
Ethics & Values shared
13. Ongoing assessment
14.Melakkarai's first family
Liberation from Alcohol
20. Communtiy consensus
21. Oath to protect
3.Strong together
Sharing is the name of the game
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