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Justice through Education for all ages

         To support individual, community and village development at every stage of life of every individual family member 


The stress on Education leads to an early awareness of the need for healthy nutrition eating a healthy, balanced diet, and proper home hygiene. 


Life skills, confidence and the ability to express themselves in all situations is the key to self-awareness and growth 


Families are made aware of the need to educate their children to secure their future, and become convinced of the need to send their child to school, instead of allowing child labour or early marriages

8. Skipping to grow
19. Catch 'em young
17.Smiles and miles
18. Never too late to learn
16.Helping hands to grow together
10. Discovering the joy of writing
14.Happy together
6. Inspirirng young minds
2.Friends lead in learning
13. Seetha after rejoining school at 8
Education is the key
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